Choose the best delivery model for your business
If you already have a well-defined project scope and clear goals in terms final deliverables, but wish to retain flexibility in how to get there, then the Team-as-a-Service delivery model is the right choice for you (also formally known as Quoted Time & Means). We put together a team for your project based on your needs, and help you decide together how to prioritize and organize the timeline to reach the goals you have set. The key difference with regular Time & Means Consulting is that we are committed by the quotes we make for milestones: billing is done by milestone, to ensure that Thaleria is accountable for the results of the team and that your goals are met.
We will go over the project requirements with you and help define a list of milestones and a timeline for your project, as we comanage how to get there together
Finding the perfect team of professionals can be a difficult task. Which is why we will take care of putting together and at your disposal a full team that covers all areas of your project, while already trying to anticipate some of your future needs
We understand that parts of your project may change or get better defined as time passes and goals are reached, which is why by working with an assigned project team and with milestones as we go you are able to keep at all times the flexibility that you need without compromising the accountability of Thaleria
Team-as-a-Service at Thaleria
Thaleria has a substantial experience providing the TaaS delivery model particularly in the public sector, for the European Institutions, providing services mainly covering the areas of IT Security and large-scale IT infrastructure and development.
eu-LISA, an agency of the European Union with a focus on matters of asylum, border management and migration in the European Union, is an excellent example of that. Thaleria has done major work in QTM/TaaS mode under eu-LISA’s Framework Contract TEF, the Transversal Engineering Framework. TEF concerns the “transversal” services related to engineering aspects for the large-scale IT-systems which eu-LISA manages, and addresses the operational needs in relation to the setup, development and evolutions of the European Travel Information Authorisation System (ETIAS), possible future large scale IT systems (e.g. ECRIS- TCN), interoperability elements and evolutions of existing large scale IT systems.
TEF is then divided into different Lots, each with a particular focus. Thaleria’s work is done under Lot 1, focused on Design, Quality and Integration Support across all systems. The two biggest and where we contributed the most are the VIS (Visa Information System) for the exchange of visa data between Schengen states and the EES (The Entry/Exit System) for the automatic monitoring of borders.